Agent Push Notification JSONIssue When configuring a custom push notification for Servicenow Mobile Agent app instead of linking to a record's detail screen, customer instead likes to navigate to a Service Portal URL (i.e. the ticket page with the table & sys_id from the record generating the notification) within the Agent app. IReleaseFrom ServiceNow Madrid and newer.CauseKB0622333 only applies for old apps and not SN Agent. ResolutionDynamic URLs are not yet supported in ServiceNow Mobile Agent App As a workaround, one possible way to achieve that is by creating a url applet but it will only support static links in theory: DocumentId in json is destination applet sys id, one possible way to achieve your use case will be: 1 - Create a url applet as the documentation to configure URL screen explains 2 - provide sys id of url applet in json as documentId. For More info, see the product documentation topic about Mobile setup push notifications