Users are getting Failing widget: 'Todos Approval' (b6cb80e45b582300f1eaefe5f0f91a85) called from: 'To-dos task Line Item' when accessing To Do section in esc portalIssue When users go to 'To Dos' in esc portal, they are seeing the below error : "Server JavaScript error Cannot find function getJournalEntry in object .Line number 63Script source code logged to browser consoleFailing widget: 'Todos Approval' (b6cb80e45b582300f1eaefe5f0f91a85) called from: 'To-dos task Line Item' (a4716c8f53d3130030f3ddeeff7b1288)"CauseData type for comments field in sysapproval_approver table changed from Journal Input to String. Because of this getJournalEntry fails when it tries to get the comments from approval record as this function expects the data type to be Journal InputResolutionChange the data type to Journal Input for comments in Approval table