Deleting column fails to delete all artifacts of the column causing deleted column still showing if it exists in different tablesIssue After deleting a column, you may notice that the column is still showing in some other parts of the platform, and you are unable to recreate the column. The system is returning an error that the column already exists. However you can not see the column when you look at the sys_dictionary table.ReleaseAllCauseThe cause is usually a failed online alter for the deletion process. This usually occurs when deleting a column from a very large table, like task or cmdb. You won't see an error in the UI, so you will think everything was deleted properly, however you will find remnants of the column throughout the different tables that make up a column record. If you suspect a column didn't delete correctly, check the following tables for records relating to the column you deleted: -- sys_dictionary -- sys_documentation -- sys_storage_alias -- sys_metadata ResolutionYou will need to open a case with customer support to have the column cleaned up and completely removed from your instance.