User is getting mail when ever any Knowledge article has been re-published.Issue The mail has been triggered to user whenever any knowledge article has re-published. He is not a part of the Knowledge article still, he gets that mails. Notification name : KM Subscription: Article revised in KB Event Name : sn_actsub.notify_about_article_revise_kb.CauseThe reason for sending out notifications to users no related to the article is that because notifications are also sent to the people who are subscribed to the knowledge base. This is expected functionality and the code is as per the OOB code.ResolutionFor checking the users subscribed to an article we see below query which is also given in Case Task descriptionhttps://<instancename> as per the code in FanoutManager() - sysevent_script_action record. [https://<instancename>] The condition for the revised part is as belowelse if(current.activity_type_id.verb == "revised") {knowledge_obj = getKnowledgeObject();sub_objects = current.object_id;subscribers = getSubscribers(sub_objects);if(subscribers.length != 0 && Object.keys(knowledge_obj).length != 0){NotifySubscribers(subscribers,knowledge_obj,"sn_actsub.notify_about_article_revised");}sub_objects = current.target_id;subscribers = getSubscribers(sub_objects);if(subscribers.length != 0 && Object.keys(knowledge_obj).length != 0){NotifySubscribers(subscribers,knowledge_obj,"sn_actsub.notify_about_article_revise_kb");}}According to above code -1. Notification with event "sn_actsub.notify_about_article_revised" is sent to the people subscribed to the article.2. Notification with event "sn_actsub.notify_about_article_revised_kb" is sent to the people subscribed to the knowledge base the article belongs to.This is determined by the "sub_objects" object. To send notifications to the article subscribers, we fetch current.object_id in sub_objects and then get the subscribers.To send the notification to the article's knowledge base subscribers, we fetch current.target_id in sub_objects and then get the subscribers.So the other users who are getting the email notifications even though they are not subscribed to the article are getting it because they are subscribed to the knowledge base.