Version Name of Microsoft SQL Instances are not being filled in by discoveryIssue When discovery is run, it should update SQL Version with the help of the MSSQL Pattern. These are the messages in the Pattern logs: Get version name from error log2019-11-06 09:06:31: Executing WMI query on host query: SELECT Name from CIM_LogicalFile WHERE Name="D:\\Apps\\Microsoft SQL Server\\MSSQL12.M3PFI\\MSSQL\\log\\errorlog.1"2019-11-06 09:06:31: Query result:2019-11-06 09:06:31: Execution time: 31 msGet version name from sql query2019-11-06 09:06:31: Applicative credentials for CI type cmdb_ci_db_mssql_instance are not defined. Please go to the Credentials page to add the appropriate Applicative Credentials.2019-11-06 09:06:31: Execution time: 0 msReleaseAll Versions.CauseTo fetch version of MSSQL, there should be access to errorlog.1 or Application credentials should be configured so that the version informed would be fetched from SQL Commands.ResolutionMake sure that the discovery user has access to the error1.log file which is present in the MSSQL installation directory path.Another way of fetching version command is by running the below command by the pattern. "sqlcmd -U $$username$$ -P '$$password$$' -Stcp:" + $computer_system.primaryHostname + "," + $tcp_port + " -Q \"SELECT @@version;\"" There need to be Applicative credentials configured to execute the above command. Related LinksKB0755064 : SQL Version name not showing as expected after discovery