Instance security dashboard errorsIssue Instance security dashboard loads with errors. ResolutionSymptoms: Instance security dashboard does not load and shows scope errors. Access to api 'setWorkflow' from scope 'sn_guided_setup' has been refused due to the api's cross-scope access policyError Message Create operation against 'gsw_change_log' from scope 'sn_guided_setup' has been refused due to the table's cross-scope access policyCreate operation against 'gsw_status_of_content' from scope 'sn_guided_setup' has been refused due to the table's cross-scope access policyError Message Access to property 'glide.login.no_blank_password' from scope 'Guided Setup' has been refused due to the property's cross-scope access policy.Cause : This dashboard is deprecated after Jakarta.Resolution: Please use enhanced version of the dashboard or use Instance Security Center from Madrid onwards.