Order guide in Service Portal - if you have a variable with a regex validation, you have to click on the Next button twice DescriptionWhen you have an order guide with a variable that has a regex validation, then you will have to click twice on the Next button in order to proceed to the check out page.The issue is intermittent, and only happening when the internet connection is slightly slower than normal.Steps to Reproduce 1. Import the four records attached to this Problem into a New York instance2. Go to the following url:<newyorkinstance>.service-now.com/sp?id=sc_cat_item_guide&sys_id=6686a258db0500102f744a92ba9619383. Open developer tools, in the Network tab click on the 'Online' button and set it to 'Slow 3G'(this step is required just to make sure the Problem is reproduced, however, it is also reproduced intermitently when the internet speed drops a bit)4. Click on Next5. Clcik on Options in order to expand it6. Enter some number in the 'Validated text' variable (for example: 123)7. Click on Next without clicking alway from the variableYou will see that nothing happens, and you have you click on the Next button again in order to proceed to the check out page.In the Developer tools Network tab you will see that the first click triggered the regex validation request, but it took too long for the ajax call to come back, so we missed the redirection to the checkout page, whcih was supposed to happen.WorkaroundThis issue is under review. To receive notifications when more information is available, subscribe to this Known Error article by clicking the Subscribe button at the top right of the article. If you are able to upgrade, review the Fixed In field to determine whether any versions have a permanentRelated Problem: PRB1375101