Pause condition not working in SLAIssue You have an SLA with a start condition [starts with/contains] ["assignment group'] keyword and [pause condition] [does not contain] ["assignment group'] keyword. However, the Pause condition is not working in SLA.CauseThe debug extract below shows that the start condition evaluated to false.Conditions are failing as a result of Case sensitivity check.SLA property com.snc.sla.condition.case_sensitive is yes.Conditions in SLA Definitions are case-sensitive Set to Yes if you want the SLA engine to perform a case-sensitive match when checking an SLA Definition's conditionsSet to No if you want the SLA engine to perform a case-insensitive match when checking an SLA Definition's conditions In the Incident the "Assignment Group" field is set as "GSD India 24/7" (note the capital case).However, in the start and pause conditions on the SLA definition, customer entered the value as gsd (lower case) When incident INC1388921 was created, the expected SLA 'INC Resolution P3' did not attach. The debug extract below shows that the start condition evaluated to false. 19:36:12.950: [TaskSLAController]: 2019-11-08 19:36:12.950 _newSLACondition: using SLAConditionSimplelog19:36:12.950: [SLAConditionSimple]: 2019-11-08 19:36:12.950 SLAConditionSimple.attach calledlog19:36:12.951: [SLAConditionSimple]: 2019-11-08 19:36:12.951 [DEBUG] _conditionMatches: [incident_stateIN1,2^priority=3^assignment_groupSTARTSWITHgsd^category=Support^EQ] on INC1388921 [af7cc5b0db0148109acafd651d961947] => falselog19:36:12.952: [TaskSLAController]: 2019-11-08 19:36:12.952 [DEBUG] _checkNewSLA: checking INC Resolution P3, start condition matched=falseResolution Review the SLA definition and modify the 'Assignment Group' value in the Conditions so it matches the Case sensitivity for the assignment group field values i.e. change from 'gsd' to 'GSD'.Alternatively, if you do not want to worry about case sensitivity in sla definitions, you can set the property com.snc.sla.condition.case_sensitive to 'no'.