Duplicate emails from ServiceNow Issue Bulk emails are sent through servicenow@gmail.com and SERVICENOW@gmail.comResolutionThe emails reported as duplicates aren't actually duplicates. They are 2 different email address - servicenow@gmail.com is different from SERVICENOW@gmail.com as stated in the Email standards. To avoid such issues in future, we suggest to play with User id's in any of the platform processes instead relying on email address. Find if there are 2 users an email address servicenow@gmail.com and SERVICENOW@gmail.com in the User Table.Observe the above emails in each of the duplicate emails that were reported for a single transaction. Both of them had servicenow@gmail.com and SERVICENOW@gmail.com as their email address.The above emails are sent when the sctask is allocated to a group in accordance with the procedure in this caseWhen the sctask is assigned to a group, notification is set up to send an email to every member of the group.The email address in above duplicate emails which reported are different and so they are NOT duplicates.The emails could be due to the presence of both the users with above email address in this group, which triggered 2 emails for these 2 email address. One for each.In general, the username section in the email address is case sensitive and the domain is case-insensitive servicenow@gmail.com is different from SERVICENOW@gmail.com On the other hand, platform will not send duplicate emails if you have the same email id placed multiple times in various sections on the Notification record.A recipient will receive ONE email though his user id is placed multiple times in any Notification record.Related Linkshttps://www.quora.com/Are-email-addresses-case-sensitive https://www.lifewire.com/are-email-addresses-case-sensitive-1171111