'Omit new condition' script defined against Incident based Related Lists being ignored.Issue It was found that an 'Omit new condition' script defined against Incident based Related Lists was being ignored, resulting in the 'New' button still displaying when it should not have. To reproduce this behaviour one might: 1. Add either the 'Incident > Parent' and/or 'Incident > Parent Incident' Related Lists to the Incident form. By default you will see the 'New' button present on each Related list.2. Edit the Related List control, exposing the 'Omit new condition' script field, and add the following script to control the visibility of the 'New' UI Action button based on whether the parent Incident record is active, or not. var answer;if (parent.active == true ) {//Do not remove the 'New' buttonanswer = false; } else {//Remove the 'New' buttonanswer = true;}answer; That is, as per the example in the Advanced list control with scripts documentation. 3. Return to the Incident form for an inactive record. It will be noted that the 'New' button is still visible against the Related List.CauseThis is controlled by the condition on the Incident 'New' UI Action (sys_ui_action.do?sys_id=bb80a37c0f320000b12e6903cfe01218), where it has '!RP.getListControl().isOmitNewButtonWithoutChecks()' defined: current.canCreate() && !RP.getListControl().isOmitNewButtonWithoutChecks() && RP.isRelatedList() && !RP.isManyToMany()ResolutionChange the condition defined against the Incident 'New' UI Action to '!RP.getListControl().isOmitNewButton()': current.canCreate() && !RP.getListControl().isOmitNewButton() && RP.isRelatedList() && !RP.isManyToMany() This will then allow the 'Omit new condition' field script to run.