Agent Workspace - How to configure Agent Assist for a table Issue When configuring your Agent Workspace environment, Agent Assist will not be enabled for a majority of tables. Only [incident] and [sn_customerservice_case] have this configuration out-of-box. You will need to manually configure it for others.ResolutionThere are 2 parts to enabling Agent Assist for a table: Create a new Table Configuration record within the Contextual Search application for the table you are working with.Create a new Declarative Action Assignment record that will link the Table Configuration from step 1 to the Agent Workspace form. Both steps are documented on ServiceNow's Docs site: Set up Agent AssistDeclarative actions *Note: the documentation for creating the Declarative Action Assignment leaves out some key parts when configuring for Agent Assist. The following are fields on that record which will need to be populated Action: Agent AssistModel Fields Required: isNewRecord, sysId, table, fieldsIcon: graduation-cap-outlineTable: [table_name]Action Attributes: cxsTableConfig = sys_id of the Table Configuration you created from step 1 An invalid Declarative Action Assignment configuration vs. a valid configuration: