A field of type HTML with maxsize <255 and transferred from a source instance via an Update Set, creates a field of type Varchar instead of mediumtext in the target database.DescriptionWhen creating an HTML field by Update Set on the [task] table or one of its children, TPC type or TPH type and it's Max Length < 255, it's Storage Alias is mapped to a column type of 'varchar' in the database instead of 'mediumtext'. This causes the field in the UI to display as a textbox which does not allow HTML strings.Steps to Reproduce On a source instance, create a new Update Set and set it as current.Create a new column as follows:Table: Incident [incident]Type: HTMLMax length <255 (ex: 200).Navigate to the [sys_storage_alias] list view.Search for the Storage Alias for the new column.Check the database to validate the type of Storage Alias. For example:sudo snow query <your_source_instance> 'show columns from task' | grep '<storage_alias>'Validate that the column is the type of 'mediumtext'.Mark the Update Set complete.Transfer the Update Set to a target instance, preview and commit it.Search for the Storage Alias for the new column.. Check the database to validate the type of Storage Alias. For example: sudo snow query <your_target_instance> 'show columns from task' | grep '<storage_alias>'> Expected behaviour: The column type on the target instance DB should be 'mediumtext'.> Current behaviour: The column type on the target instance DB is 'varchar(200)'.WorkaroundThis is expected behavior and by design in all currently supported releases. As a workaround, Create the HTML field on source with maxsize > 255 and transfer via Update Set to the target, then Preview, commit and verify.Related Problem: PRB1366698