Discovery schedule fails with error "java.lang.NullPointerException at com.service_now.mid.probe.Shazzam.addScanners("DescriptionDiscovery schedule fails with error "java.lang.NullPointerException at com.service_now.mid.probe.Shazzam.addScanners("Steps to Reproduce Create a discovery schedule2. Click "Quick Ranges"3. IP ip addresses ", 10.1778.71.233"4. Review the newly created "IP Address List" and notice that only was added5. Open the "IP Address List", beside "Discovery Range Item IPs" click "New"6. Set new ip to 10.1778.71.233 and check that this time the invalid IP address is inserted.7. Trigger discovery of schedule.8. Review discovery log and find error "java.lang.NullPointerException at com.service_now.mid.probe.Shazzam.addScanners("WorkaroundReview discovery schedule IP Address Lists.Find invalid IP address.Remove IP address from IP Address Lists. In the steps to reproduce example the invalid IP was 10.1778.71.233.Related Problem: PRB1372471