SCCM Imported records to the CMDB tables have a mismatch in Disk Space and RAM fieldsIssue When an import from the Data Source "SCCM 2012 v2 Computer Identity Test" to cmdb_ci_computer table or any import that happens to the CMDB tables while importing the data to the target table in the fields RAM or Disk Space is populating a different value which is not present in the source.CauseThis behavior is caused by the Field Normalization and Transformation which manipulates the numeric field values to a roundup value based on the Transform rules present in the Transformations.ResolutionDisable the Transformation or Transform rules that are not being used. To Disable the entire Transformation to stop all the transform rules on the field: Field Normalization > Transformation2. Turn the mode to "Off" for the Disk Space or RAM Transformations. To Disable a Specific Transform Rule: Open the desired Transformation. (Disk Space or RAM)2. Select the Transform from the related tabs of the Transformation record(Disk Space or RAM)3. Inactivate the Transform. Note: Transformation is the record from the table fn_transform_config and Transform is the record from the table fn_transform