What is the "Is Instance URL" checkbox in the Custom URL form?Issue One of the items that need to be done when setting up a custom URL is checking the "Is Instance URL" checkbox. What enables this checkbox, and what happens when it is checked?ReleaseLondon and higherResolutionThe checkbox stays read-only after the Custom URL plugin is activated, until in sys_properties.list from the filter navigator the property with name="glide.customurl.enabled" is set to "true" (default is false).Once "Is Instance URL" is checked, the following happens:1) It unchecks the "is Instance URL" checkbox from any other custom URL record that might exist and had it checked before2) It changes the value of the system property "glide.servlet.url" from what it was before (eg. https://instance.service-now.com) to the URL defined by the custom URL. This influences anything that uses this property, eg. email URL link creation.Users will see the main difference on this in their email links.