How to manually normalize reference qualifiersIssue After running the "Update Reference Qualifiers" step for "Normalization Data Services" guided setup, there are records need to manually update How do you manually normalize reference qualifier after running the "Normalization Data Services" guided setup?Resolution"Note that a lot of these dictionary entries are cloned descendent (belongs to the base table). Therefore, you don't require updating 1400+ odd dictionaries. Most of the cloned descendent belong to CMDB tables, start with those first. Use the link in 2. to find remaining dictionary entries" 1. For records that need a manual update: Link:https://<INSTANCE_NAME> For "Use reference qualifier" = Simple, Edit "reference_qual_condition" field to "Normalized" is true as per screenshot "after_manual_ref_qual_condition.png". b) For "Use reference qualifier" =Advanced, For example, Edit field "reference_qual" the one with "javascript:" tag, prefix it with "canonical=true^" or suffix with "^canonical=true" to add "canonical=true" condition. ie: Change javascript:'sys_idIN' + current.assignment_group.vendors TO (prefix way) javascript:'canonical=true^' + 'sys_idIN' + current.assignment_group.vendors OR (suffix way) javascript:'sys_idIN' + current.assignment_group.vendors + '^canonical=true' c) For "Use reference qualifier" =Dynamic, - Go to the 'Dynamic ref qual' record being used (sys_filter_option_dynamic). - Edit the Script field to add 'canonical=true' condition. (suffix "^canonical=true" or prefix "canonical=true^" same as Advanced) 2. After manually updating all reference qualifier in step 1, run the following query to get the remaining reference qualifiers: https://<INSTANCE_NAME>!%3D1b3dae2c0b911200f0f04696a6673ab7%5EORdynamic_ref_qualISEMPTY%5Ereference_qualNOT%20LIKEcanonical%3Dtrue%5EORreference_qualISEMPTY If there are records returned, update the reference qualifiers as suggested in step 1. 3. After performing the above manual steps, re-run "Normalize Configuration Items (CMDB)" step in the guided setup to normalize 'core_company' records.