How to change background color of table header for order status on the page 'com.glideapp.servicecatalog_checkout_view_v2Issue This article helps to change the background color of table header for order status on the page 'com.glideapp.servicecatalog_checkout_view_v2ResolutionSystem property 'css.table.column.head.background.color' can be used to change the color of required title.Navigate to system properties >> css and change the color under "List and form caption color override:"'css.base.color' also impacts the color on the table header when system property 'css.table.column.head.background.color' is not set.Navigate to system properties >> css and change the color under "Banner and list caption background color". Refer to screenshot attached to make changes.Changing any of these values requires to log out and come back in to test and reflect the changes.