Selecting a project on the Project workspace redirects to home pageIssue In New York, User selects a project card on the project workspace Observed behaviour: User is redirected to the home page Expected behaviour : User should be directed to the Analytics tab of the Project Workspace Steps to reproduce: Navigate to Projects > Project WorkspaceClick on one of the projects, Analytics tab of the project workspace displays brieflythen user is redirected to the Home Page Observed the following in the debug log: ---------------------14:04:45.725 Javascript compiler exception: missing ; before statement (; line 1) in: Select a project from dropdownWarning14:04:45.726 Javascript compiler exception: missing ; before statement (; line 1) in: Select a date from YorkCauseScript Include : "PMViewDataUtils" has been customisedResolutionScript Include : "PMViewDataUtils" was reverted to base system and the issue resolved