How to change the Visibility of a TagSummaryWhile we create a Tag for a particular record by default the Visibility of the Tag is set to 'Me' i.e. the Tag will only be visible to the user who created it. This KB deals with steps on how to change the visibility of the Tags field. Find the different types of sharing level for the Tags field below: Sharing levelDescriptionMePrivate tag, visible only to the owner.Groups and UsersShared tag, visible to the owner and specific groups or users.EveryoneGlobal tag, visible to everyone. This option is available to users with the admin or tags_admin role.ReleaseAll ReleasesInstructionsSteps to change the visibility of Tags from Form view: 1) Log in to any instance. 2) Open any Incident record. 3) Click on the three-dots in the top right -> Add Tag.Add any Tag to the record. 4) Now click on the Human Icon which is beside the Tag. For example: 5) This will open a pop-up where you can select options for Viewable by.i.e. Me, Groups and users, Everyone This can be also changed from the List view of a table.Related LinksFor more details about Tags go through the below documentation: Tags