How to decode URL parameters using client scriptIssue While using URL parameters to set values for fields/variables, GlideURL() method is the recommended method rather than using DOM manipulation: document.URL.parseQuery();ResolutionGlideURL() method can be used for manipulating a URI. In the below code snippet, on-load catalog client script, decode of URL parameters on 'full name' and 'title' fields and able to decode the in-between spaces of string values. (Eg. if URL contains 'fullname' as 'Abel%20Tuter' and 'title' as 'IT%20Architect' then decodeURI() with convert it to 'Abel Tuter' and 'IT Architect') function onLoad() {var gUrl = new GlideURL();gUrl.setFromCurrent();var name1 = decodeURI(gUrl.getParam('sysparm_fullname'));var title1 = decodeURI(gUrl.getParam('sysparm_title'));if(name1){g_form.setValue('fullname',name1);} if(title1){g_form.setValue('title',title1);} }Related LinksGlideURLV3