How to get Serial Number for Windows from Win32_BaseBoard instead of Win32_BIOSDescriptionNeed to fetch Serial Number info of a Windows device from Win32_BaseBoard.SerialNumber instead of Win32_BIOSCauseSometimes, the "Win32_BIOS.SerialNumber" pulled in the right serial number information "SerialNumber=ABCDEFGH" whereas the Win32_BaseBoard.SerialNumber pulled in "SerialNumber=/ABCDEFGH/LMNOPQRSTUVW/". If the requirement would be to only have 'ABCDEFGH' as the serial number, then the follow the steps in Resolution section.ResolutionTo fix the serial_number issue for the devices, modify library pattern "Windows Identity - Hardware Information" => id = "2ba886d6dbc12200c06776231f96194b" "Add Win32_BaseBoard.SerialNumber to temporary table" before step "Add Win32_BIOS.SerialNumber to temporary table"======================================step {name = "Add Win32_BaseBoard.SerialNumber to temporary table"comment = "Temporary table containing one serial number row with normalized columnsThis table is needed due to lack of functionality adding rows to existing table with \u201CTransform Table\u201D operation."if {condition = all {is_not_empty {get_attr {"Win32_BaseBoard[*].SerialNumber"}}not_contains {get_attr {"Win32_BaseBoard[*].SerialNumber"}"null"}not_contains {get_attr {"Win32_BaseBoard[*].SerialNumber"}"None"}}on_true = transform {src_table_name = "Win32_BaseBoard"target_table_name = "serialNumberTempTableRow"operation {set_field {field_name = "serial_number"value = get_attr {"Win32_BaseBoard[1].SerialNumber"}}set_field {field_name = "serial_number_type"value = "baseboard"}}}on_false = nop {}}}step {name = "Union serialNumberTempTable with cmdb_serial_number"comment = "Union serialNumberTempTable with cmdb_ci_serial_number"union {table1_name = "serialNumberTempTableRow"table2_name = "cmdb_serial_number"result_table_name = "cmdb_serial_number"}}step {name = "Add Win32_BIOS.SerialNumber to temporary table"comment = "Temporary table containing one serial number row with normalized columnsThis table is needed due to lack of functionality adding rows to existing table with \u201CTransform Table\u201D operation."if {condition = all {is_not_empty {get_attr {"Win32_BIOS[*].SerialNumber"}}not_contains {get_attr {"Win32_BIOS[*].SerialNumber"}"null"}not_contains {get_attr {"Win32_BIOS[*].SerialNumber"}"None"}}on_true = transform {src_table_name = "Win32_BIOS"target_table_name = "serialNumberTempTableRow"operation {set_field {field_name = "serial_number"value = get_attr {"Win32_BIOS[1].SerialNumber"}}set_field {field_name = "serial_number_type"value = "bios"}}}on_false = nop {}}}step {name = "Union serialNumberTempTable with cmdb_serial_number"comment = "Union serialNumberTempTable with cmdb_ci_serial_number"union {table1_name = "serialNumberTempTableRow"table2_name = "cmdb_serial_number"result_table_name = "cmdb_serial_number"}======================================Re-run the discovery on the same IP and see that it fetches the expected serial number.