Lookup Select Box catalog variable showing Sys IDIssue Order a catalog item which has a variable of 'Lookup Select Box' type by selecting some value. The RITM (Requested Item) created with 'Lookup Select box' variable shows respected value selected while filling the details.Going ahead and deactivating the selected record will show the s'ys_id' instead of 'value' on RITM form after reloading it.If the record is activated again, then the RITM form shows the value selected while ordering the item.CauseThe field is showing 'sys_id' instead of 'value' because, there is a 'Reference qal' added to the 'Lookup Select Box' variable while created the variable.Reference qualifier was 'active=true'ResolutionThe Reference qualifier condition is not tallying when the record is deactivated and showing sys_id instead of the value.If the condition 'active=true' is removed then, the RITM form shows 'value' even though the record is inactive.Related LinksWhat are Reference qualifiers