No email sent to the antivirus_admin when attachment is flagged as virusIssue No email sent to the antivirus_admin when attachment flagged as a virus but the documentation says that "The system sends an email notification to the user and the antivirus administrator." Antivirus Scanning: Steps to Reproduce: Enabled Antivirusuploaded a fake virus attachment using this below fix script on incident with sys-id: 57af7aec73d423002728660c4cf6a71c -var grECC = new GlideRecord('ecc_queue');grECC.initialize();grECC.agent = 'AttachmentCreator';grECC.topic = 'AttachmentCreator'; = 'file_name.txt:application/test.txt';grECC.source = 'incident:57af7aec73d423002728660c4cf6a71c';//Base64 encoded string from EICAR example: X5O!P%@AP[4\PZX54(P^)7CC)7}$EICAR-STANDARD-ANTIVIRUS-TEST-FILE!$H+H*grECC.payload = 'WDVPIVAlQEFQWzRcUFpYNTQoUF4pN0NDKTd9JEVJQ0FSLVNUQU5EQVJELUFOVElWSVJVUy1URVNULUZJTEUhJEgrSCo=';grECC.state = '';grECC.insert();'<a href='+grECC.getLink()+'>ECC Queue</a>'); Open the Incident, it will display an anti-virus pop up messageCheck the emails, it will trigger a notification only to the User but not to the Anti-Virus Admin.ReleaseMadridResolutionIn the email script: "notify_when_file_is_infected", the Antivirus Admin is added to BCC:"email.addAddress("bcc",, userRole.getDisplayValue("user"));"Sys ID of the Email Script : 3D7a5302f15300230019eeddeeff7b127b I have given the user "Abel Tutor" as an Anti-Virus Admin role and I can see "Abel Tutor" in the BCC