How to change the icon that comes next to search result on Portal SearchIssue How to change the icon that comes next to search result on Portal Search?ResolutionThe typeahead icons are called Typeahead glyphs, and they are configured in the search source record (sp_search_source).In the case of catalog items, there is no typeahead glyph configured, and the icon is basically a smaller size version of the the item image from the sc_cat_item record.In order to set the icon of a search source please do the following:1. Go to Service Portal > Portals and select the requested portal2. In the Search Sources related list, select the search source you want to set its typeahead glyph3. If required, add the 'Typeahead glyphs' field to the form layout4. Click on the 'Typeahead glyphs' field and select the glyph you want to use for this search source, and save the form