SSH commands timeout while executing the workflow on remote serversIssue SSH commands timeout while executing the workflow on remote servers. Errors observed in the workflow context and the ECC queue. xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><results error="Error; job finished with status ERROR: Timed out while waiting for command to complete on channel 6 in state EXECUTING" post_processing_time="0" probe_time="300284" result_code="900000"><result error="Error; job finished with status ERROR: Timed out while waiting for command to complete on channel 6 in state EXECUTING"?ReleaseMid servers enabled with ServiceNow SSH client (SNCSSH - mid.ssh.use_snc) used for Orchestration activities.CauseThe commands defined in the Run Command Activity in the workflow take longer than the default time of 5 minutes to be completedmid.ssh.command_timeout_ms Default value is 300000ms .i.e 5 mins.ResolutionIncrementally increase the mid server parameter "mid.ssh.command_timeout_ms" value and execute the workflow, it would be completed successfully.Related LinksMID Server parametersAdd a MID Server parameter