Cloud Management Deployment fails with - Invalid resource group location 'XXX'. The Resource group already exists in location 'YYY'.DescriptionThe issue was noticed for a Cloud Management deployment via ARM template, however, the issue may impact normal deployments also. The Stack deployment fails with the below error message. Failed to execute API - Failed with status code and message: 409: {"error":{"code":"InvalidResourceGroupLocation","message":"Invalid resource group location 'westeurope'. The Resource group already exists in location 'brazilsouth'."}} (script_include:CloudRESTAPIInvoker; line 141) The MID Server Script Include does a Boolean check of the parameter CreateResourceGroup. Which returns true even if the value in the parameter is "No".This needs to be updated with a condition for performing a detailed check.Steps to Reproduce Provision Blueprint using an ARM template.Deploy a stack for the blueprint created while ensuring that an existing resource group is used.WorkaroundThis problem is currently under review. You can contact ServiceNow Technical Support or subscribe to this Known Error article by clicking the Subscribe button at the top right of this form to be notified when more information will become available. The attached update set includes a workaround: Change the Application Scope to 'Cloud API'Import and apply the attached update set.Related Problem: PRB1367894