Connect support is showing a wrong count for waiting chatsDescriptionWhen a chat notification comes in, it is appearing as 2 "waiting" chats. When the chat is accepted, it will still show 1 more chat waiting. When trying to open and accept the second chat, the following error is triggered "the queue is currently empty".CauseA known cause of this issue is the following scenario: Users are initiating chats in your instance.The user records associated with the chats created in step 1 are deletedTheir chats will be stuck in waiting and they will impact the waiting chat count.ResolutionCheck the chat_queue_entry table for any records in "waiting" state that are associated with non-existent users.Setting the active flag of these chats to false or setting them to closed abandoned will fix the issue.You should make sure that your users do not have waiting chats before deleting them to avoid new occurrences of the issue.