PostgreSQL Pattern detecting the default running instance for 'hostname'Issue During a discovery it creates and updates CMDB records when it detects a running instance at the PostgreSQL level. Per our docs it collects the name PostgreSQL instance@hostname. However, as by default we see in the related tree of several CIs with 'PostgreSQL' with in the cmdb_ci_db_postgresql_instance table.CauseOut of box we see this: Step 19. Set labelValue: $instance Name: $name This is the Output example:'PostgreSQL' In the related tree of the CI we see there are several PostgreSQL, listed in the cmdb_ci_db_postgresql_instance. ResolutionDo the following if you prefer to have the PostgreSQL pattern to populate the PostgreSQL@instance name. Step 19. Set labeladded the following:Value: $instance + "@" + $computer_system.primaryHostnameName: $name This is the Output example:'PostgreSQL@mikecamba'