Where do country codes originate from?Issue The out-of-the-box (OOTB) records: what or whose definition of a 'country' are they originating from?ResolutionThe country code data is extracted from the ISO standard information.Details of this can be found here: List of ISO 3166 country codesIn terms of what defines a country, this is not something that we are involved with but is decided as part of the ISO standard.The data for the core_country table is loaded from the com.glide.country plugin when the instance is first created.The plugin/content was created in 2014 and does not appear to have been updated since.There is currently an Enhancement request in place to have this updated to include all relevant country data. However, there is no timeframe for if or when this will be included in a future release of the product.In the meantime, you can add country records as required and they will not be deleted during the upgrade.