Cost field on Cost Plan not populated from Resource PlanIssue When creating a resource plan, the planned cost on the created Cost Plan does not populate. CauseWhen a resource plan is created, the cost plan is created automatically and we populate the 'Unit cost' on the cost plan from the resource plan. The Total planned cost is populated from the cost plan breakdowns which are showing a zero total planned cost. After a cost plan is created, the 'Create Breakdowns' business rule fires and calls the createBreakDowns function in the CostPlan script include. Following the code, we find that the ResourcePlan script include is called to get the cost by date ranges. The ResourcePlan script include is custom and upon reverting this to the out of box version, the cost plan breakdowns are generated correctly and the Total planned cost on the Cost Plan was populated.ResolutionReview the customizations to the ResourcePlan script include and revert/merge the code as needed.