Information Regarding Table CleanerSummaryTable cleaner automatically deletes records on the tables to prevent data growing exponentially.Deleting these records automatically prevents the tables from growing to an unmanageable size.The Table Cleaner scheduled job runs the table cleaner every hour. To view the list of tables that are auto-cleaned, in the Navigator filter, type: All the records with [MatchField < (current_time - Age in seconds)] will be deleted.The MatchField field represents a Date/Time column in the table that you are trying to clean up.The Age in seconds field represents a value in seconds.You can set up multiple table cleaner entries for a particular table. Performance depends on the size of the table and the conditions used. For example, if you use a custom column in a very large table that has no index on, performance is severely degraded. Performance also depends on the number of rows to be deleted.TableCleaner does not call DBDelete.setWorkflow(). This means DBDelete objects run with workflow=false (false is the default value for a Java boolean), hence Delete business rules and workflows are not triggered.For a particular table the job will delete the records for 1200 seconds on a particular run, and once it crosses this 1200 seconds the job will stop the deletion for the particular table and will resume for this table in next run. Below is a snippet from the local host logs when the threshold of 1200 is reached: 2019-09-30 01:25:56 (381) worker.0 worker.0 txid=4dd31ec01b58 TableCleaner was running for more than 1200 seconds deleting old records from uapprovalmatrixlog and therefore it was stopped, it will resume deletion from that table at thenext run2019-09-30 01:25:56 (382) worker.0 worker.0 txid=4dd31ec01b58 Pool: glide: Freed connection(8) (connpid=223343) from obsolete pool2019-09-30 01:25:56 (382) worker.0 worker.0 txid=4dd31ec01b58 [0:20:00.309] TableCleaner DELETED approximately 117706130 old records from uapprovalmatrixlog via bulk operations Table Cleaner would not work for the tables which is part of extension and for cleaning the extended tables the Data Archiving plugin and Email Retention plugin should be used, which will archive and eventually destroy email messages that is no longer needed.NOTE: The table cleaner cannot be used for sharded tables or table rotation and table extension.Related LinksBelow are couple of additional information which could be useful: KB for how to setup Table Cleaner Data Archiving and Email Retention Plugins