How to translate the guided tour 'title'Issue This article explains the procedure for translating a 'Guided Tour' title/name within ServiceNow instance.ReleaseAll ServiceNow releases till date.CauseCreating a new record in Translated text[sys_translated_text] table will not work and the newly created translation will not show up when you switch the language. This happens because the 'Name' field on the Guided Tours[sys_embedded_tour_guide] table is a 'String' field.'Translated text' record are only applicable to 'Translated text' type fields.ResolutionThe tour name comes from the Name field on the Guided Tour record. https://<instance><sysID_guided_tour> We need to change the field type for the 'Name' field from String to Translated Text. https://<instance> need to create a translation record for the wording in desired language on 'Translated text' table by selecting the 'Document' field as the Guided tour. To know more about translated text fields within ServiceNow platform, please click on the product documentation here