Archive Destroy rule does not work when archived record is from a scoped applicationDescriptionArchive Destroy rule does not work when the archived record(s) to be deleted are from a scoped application. The record estimate always displays zero and 'Run Archive Destroy Now' UI action does not delete/destroy any archived records. NOTE: this problem does not apply to tables in the global scope. Steps to Reproduce Create an Archive Rule (System Archiving > Archive Rules) for a table which is part of a scoped applicationClick on the UI Action - "Run Archive Now" on the form to run the archive rule to archive recordsCreate an Archive Destroy Rule (System Archiving > Archive Destroy Rules) to delete the archived records.Click on the UI Action - "Recalculate Estimate" on the form.Notice the record estimate is always 0 even though there are archived records that meet the Archive Duration set in the Archive Destroy Rule.WorkaroundThe reason that the record estimate is always 0 and the destroy rule, when executed, does not delete any archived records, is the value for the column: Archive [sys_archived] is not set when the records were first archived. The obsolete warning message "Function nowDateTime is not allowed in scope <name>. Use GlideDateTime instead: new GlideDateTime().getDisplayValue() when an archived record (scoped table) is re-archived" (not affecting re-archiving) was already fixed in Orlando (obsolete PRB1364685/KB0780320). However, if there is a destroy rule specified for the archive table, it may not work, as the value of sys_archived field is not set (Ref. KB0780321). The archived records that are to be deleted/destroyed are identified based on the calculation of the date time value in the column: Archived [sys_archived] (of the archived record) and the duration specified in the column: Archive Duration [archive_duration] of the corresponding Destroy rule. As the value in the column: Archive [sys_archived] is not set when the record was first archived, the Destroy rule will not be able to identify the archived records to be deleted. NOTE: For Paris and later, the before insert business rule will not work (Ref. KB0953629). In order to remove the archived records manually, create a case for SN Technical Support.Related Problem: PRB1164902