Typeahead Search Icons display incorrectlyIssue When searching for Catalog Items and then searching for knowledge articles followed by a search for Catalog items, the Glyph icons start showing incorrectly i.e. the Catalog Items show up with KB article glyph or the reverse.CauseThis behavior was logged as a bug in PRB1238271 - Typeahead glyph does not change based on search results. This PRB was fixed and the applied fix was in the ng_template record used for the Typeahead widget. This customer was using a custom version of the widget and the attached sp_ng_template has the older(not-fixed) code. ResolutionAs mentioned above, since the customized version of the Typeahead widget was using a custom sp_ng_template record, either switching to the OOB Typeahead search widget or modifying the custom sp_ng_template record would fix the issue. The fix includes modifying line 3 of the ng-template record. The older code has an ng-class tag which needs to be replaced by a class tag. This is the only change made to fix this issue. Alternatively, you can copy the template code from the OOB sp_ng_template record called sp-typeahead.html and paste that into the customized ng-template record and save the same.