Auto numbering field creates empty numbers and logs the error "Evaluator: java.lang.SecurityException: getNextObjNumberPadded undefined, maybe missing global qualifier"Issue When using the 'out of the box' Business Rule named getNextObjNumberPadded to generate the next number for a number field, empty number are created and within the localhost logs, the following error can be observed: "Evaluator: java.lang.SecurityException: getNextObjNumberPadded undefined, maybe missing global qualifier"CauseThis issue is caused when the Business Rule getNextObjNumberPadded, which is defined in the global scope, is called from within a scoped application.ResolutionTo ensure that the business rule is called correctly from within the scoped application, we need to change the default value of the [sys_dictionary] record of the number field from:javascript:getNextObjNumberPadded();to:javascript:global.getNextObjNumberPadded(); This amendment defines that the Business Rule that is being called is in the global scope. It can be made directly in the list view or on the dictionary override form (where relevant).