Hide service catalog category only from Service PortalSummaryIt is possible to hide service catalog categories only from Service Portal where it will still be visible on the native UI/platform.InstructionsIt can be done by hiding the catalogs and the categories from the Required/main category. Suppose, a category 'standard change' has a child category 'Software change'. Software change category holds 3-4 catalog items. To hide the 'standard change' category on Service Portal, you need to hide all 3-4 catalog items from portal.Once the catalogs are hidden, it will automatically hide 'Software change' category.As nothing will remain to display under 'Standard change', it will also be hidden automatically. To hide the catalog items, open each item and check the checkbox 'Hide in Service Portal'. Same can be done through Catalog item list view. Reference: How to hide a Catalog item in Service Portal Note: The checkbox 'Hide in Service Portal' is available only for catalog item, not for categories. To modify the checkbox 'Hide in Service Portal' on any change related record producer, additional steps need to be followed as this field will be read-only. To make it editable, create a WRITE ACL 'std_change_record_producer.hide_sp'.