Enable Timezone from user profile of end user from Service PortalIssue This article will brief on how to enable end-users to edit their time zone from their profile in Service Portal. CauseTimezone on "User profile" widget on the portal is editable based on the roles defined in the "glide.timezone_changer.roles" system property as per below code,timezoneEnabled: gs.hasRole(gs.getProperty('glide.timezone_changer.roles')) ( <= server script line 114)ResolutionIf you remove itil and admin roles from "glide.timezone_changer.roles" system property, system defaults to the behavior where the timezone is editable for any roled users.The Mobile Phone, Business Phone fields on "User Profile" widget is controlled by their write access on those fields. If you want your end user to edit those fields on profile page on the portal. Please created appropriate write ACL's for those fields, record/sys_user.mobile_phone/write record/sys_user.phone/write = false