How to create support chat conversation off of an existing incident with a chat agentSummaryThis article explains how to create connect support chat conversation off of an existing incident with a chat agent.InstructionsCreate a UI action called "Chat" on the Incident table with the following script function chatRedirect() {var queueID = 'b05cfd27d70122004f1e82285e61038d'; //sys_id of the chat queue you need to redirect tolocation.href = '/$'+ queueID +'&fromTable=incident&fromSysID='+ g_form.getUniqueValue();} Create an after insert business rule on the chat_queue_entry table with When to Run condition Selected as ' From Type' is 'Incident' and following script. (function executeRule(current, previous /*null when async*/) { var inc = current.from_id.getRefRecord(); var groupID = current.getValue('group'); var profileID = ''; var linkUrl = "/"+inc.getUniqueValue(); var linkName = inc.number+': '+inc.short_description; var msg = "@L["+linkUrl+"|"+linkName+"]"; var grProfile = new GlideRecord('live_profile'); grProfile.addQuery('name', 'Cloud Support'); grProfile.addQuery('document', current.getUniqueValue()); grProfile.query(); if ( { profileID = grProfile.getUniqueValue(); } var data = { message: msg, group_id: groupID, from_profile: profileID }; //add link if we have a valid one if (linkUrl) { data.links = [ {short_description: linkName, url: linkUrl} ]; } var output = JSON.stringify(data, null, 4); gs.log(output); return new LiveFeedMessage().postMessage(data); })(current, previous); Related LinksClick on the Chat UI action and it will redirect you to the connect support page. Enter some text and hit "Send" in the support conversation. You will see a connect support conversation created with a connect card displaying incident details.