Incorrect/unexpected breach time for a task_sla record.Issue "planned end time" is re-calculated after the SLA is breached.ReleaseKingston, LondonCauseThe property "com.snc.sla.calculate_planned_end_time_after_breach" is set to true.ResolutionThe breach time is calculated based on a property "com.snc.sla.calculate_planned_end_time_after_breach". If this property is set to true, then any pause time will extend the breach time after a Task SLA has breached. Please set the property to false so that the any pause time after the SLA is breached is not added to "planned end time"/breach time. 1) Navigate to sys_properties.list 2) search name as "com.snc.sla.calculate_planned_end_time_after_breach" and update the record to "false". Please note that 2010 SLA engine does not support the property.