How the assignment group is populated in Facilities Request Task - FCRTIssue How the assignment group is populated in FCRT - Facilities Request TaskResolutionThe assignment group value is populated from Client Script - "Verify Group Fields" uses Business rule - "Build scratchpad & display info messages" on "sm_task" table is calling "filterWorkGroupBasedOnDispatchGroup" function in "SMFilters" script include.As "sm_task" is the parent table of "facilities_request_task", so the business rule on "sm_task" is executed. Verify Group Fields - https://<instance-name> scratchpad & display info messages - https://<instance-name> - https://<instance-name> The functionality is present in "filterWorkGroupBasedOnDispatchGroup" function of "SMFilters" script includes which is used to populate the value for assignmemt_group. In "Verify Group Fields" client script, "g_form.setValue("assignment_group", g_scratchpad.assignment_filter.substring(8, 40));" which remove the 1st 8 characters and from there 32 char will be selected, which will be sys_id.