Case not created by agent in Customer Service with RequestIssue When a user/agent with the sn_customerservice_agent role and itil role requests a catalog item from the CSM portal, the system doesn't create a Case for the request. The user is redirected to the csm ticket page but it is displaying the Request record information. The Request record's parent field is empty. Plugin used: 'Customer Service with Request Management'. Steps to reproduce:1. Impersonate agent2. Go to the CSM Portal and 'Order something'3. Select a catalog item4. Fill out the form and submit the request.5. User is redirected to the case ticket but the request record information is displayed6. No Case is created and the Request record parent field is empty.ReleaseMadridCauseThis is working as expected in Madrid. In New York is where we have enhanced this integration to support Agents and Partner Contacts to create a request on behalf of others.ResolutionIn Madrid, for Request Management Integration,Following are the usecase:For Customer -> Ability to create Request for themselves( i.e the Customer can select a Catalog item and they could request for a Request. In this scenario, a Case record gets created)For Agents -> Ability to create request from Case Record. (Over here the Agents have to go to a Case and then create Request)See doc (" Agents can also create request records from cases."However,In New York is where we have enhanced this integration to support Agents and Partner Contacts to create a request on behalf of others.Following are the usecase:Agents/ Partner Contact/Customer Admin - Select a Catalog Item(which has a CSM Variable Set associated) and could enter in the Account and contact on behalf on whom the request should be created. (This is the flow where the Request gets created and also a new case gets created)