Discovery scans do not create a CI in the CMDB for NetApp Storage devicesIssue -Discovery scans do not create a CI in the CMDB for NetApp Storage devices. -On the discovery scan, if you notice the CI being correctly classified using SNMP as a Storage Server and the returned SNMP System OID being correctly listed on the SNMP OID Classifications table, check for the 'Horizontal discovery probe' to be triggered from the discovery logs. -The probe, 'Horizontal discovery probe' is responsible for firing the NetApp pattern used for discovering the NetApp server. -On the classifier record for the appropriate NetApp classifier, check for the condition which includes 'DiscoveryStorageUtilities' Script Include script. -Per this script, you'd have to set the 'glide.discovery.sensors.netapp_native_cluster_mode' system property to true, to enable the classifier to be triggered and launch the NetApp pattern subsequently.ReleaseALLCause-A possible cause for the CI not being created is that the appropriate classifier and pattern for NetApp were never triggered by discovery. -Please verify if the classifier and pattern for NetApp were never triggered from the discovery scan and discovery logs. If that's the case, then it is possible that the the system property, 'glide.discovery.sensors.netapp_native_cluster_mode' is not enabled.Resolution-To enable NetApp pattern discovery, set the value of the system property, 'glide.discovery.sensors.netapp_native_cluster_mode' to 'true' from your sys_properties table. -Run a test discovery scan for your CI. -This should launch the NetApp classifier and subsequently the NetApp pattern for correctly discovering the NetApp CI and populating it onto the CMDB.