Service Portal: Unable to submit catalog item; form is freezes at 'submitting...'; console error reads 500 (Internal Server Error)Issue On the Service Portal, when submitting a catalog item, the form freezes at 'submitting...' and the record is not created. Additionally, there is a console error that reads '500 (Internal Server Error)'. Also, expanding the returned JSON objecting in the console reveals the following information under the 'data' key: message: "java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.Long cannot be cast to java.lang.StringCauseThe cause maybe a Catalog Client Script setting a JavaScript Number type in a string variable field. One example where you this could happen is performing math operations which return a JavaScript number type, not a JavaScript string type. var num = 5 * 9; // returns a variable type Number g_form.setValue('string_type_variable', num); // erroneously setting a string field type with a Number type variableResolutionUse toString() method to convert the variable to a String type before using the same variable to populate a String field, like so: var num = 5 * 9; var str = num.toString(); g_form.setValue('string_type_variable', str);