Pop-up messages on RITMs and Tasks saying "Leaving site? Changes you made may not be saved."?Issue Whenever you are opening at Task or RITM it will show you a pop up message saying “Leaving site? Changes you made may not be saved.”? Note:-This message can vary according to the browser.CauseThe system property glide.ui.dirty_form_support is creating this pop up message.Resolution1.Go to System property 2.Serach for glide.ui.dirty_form_support. 3.Change the value to false. It will stop showing you the pop up messgae. Related LinksThese are some additional documents that will give you better knowledge on this: 1.https://docs.servicenow.com/csh?topicname=t_EditingInForms.html&version=latest Also I have attached a screenshot of the issue.