Rapid7 Vulnerability Integration run fails with Error: java.lang.NullPointerExceptionDescriptionRapid7 Vulnerability Integration run (sn_vul_integration_run) fails with Error: java.lang.NullPointerExceptionCauseChecking the mid server agent logs for the time when the error occurred contains the following log entry: ECCSender.1 SEVERE *** ERROR *** Payload size of 25159087 bytes exceeded maximum of 20000000 bytes. (the actual size of bytes in the error may vary) This indicates that the payload size might have exceeded the maximum ECC queue payload size causing the data not be attached in an XML file to the data sources. Resolution1)Reduce the Rows per request to 10,000 in the Integration record (sn_vul_r7_rapid7_integration) This configuration can be found under "SQL" tab Rows per request:125,000 (default value)2) Increase the payload size to 64MB by adding the MID server property 'mid.eccq.max_payload_size'. Set the value to '64000000' (bytes)