Variable Editor on Requested Item form is displaying unexpected values for 1 or more fieldsIssue A request item [sc_req_item] record doesn't show an expected value for a field that was input/submitted during item creation.ReleaseAny ReleaseCauseVariables present on this form may be impacted by the 'Applies on Requested Item' checkbox found on Catalog UI Policies (or Catalog Client Scripts).ResolutionNavigate to Maintain Items module (or sc_cat_item.list)Search for and open the catalog item record for the affected RITMScroll down to related list of Catalog UI Policies (or Catalog Client Scripts).You may be able to find a Catalog UI Policy which is 'onLoad' is true and 'Applies on Requested Items' is checked.Verify whether or not this Policy has any script which references the impacted field/variableVerify whether or not this Policy has any related Catalog UI Policy Action records which reference the impacted field/variable.Related LinksMore information can be found in the official documentation about Service Catalog Variable Editor.