Troubleshooting guide for Service Level Agreement ( SLA ) issuesSummaryThis is a basic troubleshooting guide for SLA issues. General Troubleshooting Steps: Check if the ‘Run SLAs’ business rule is OOTB version.Check if all the SLA script includes (Search for Name contains SLA. There will be around 40 script includes) are OOTB version.Check if they are using ‘2011’ SLA engine.Check if the ‘com.snc.sla.default_conditionclass’ system property value is ‘SLAConditionBase’.Check if there are any custom business rules with order <= 101 which is doing an update on the current record.Verify if 'Repair SLA' fixes the issue.Check if the Audit history on the Task is correct.Check if the Task record has contract record populated. If yes, then SLAs associated only to that contract are attached to the Task. Check 'contract_rel_contract_sla' table to see the SLAs associated to Contracts. If a contract is populated on the Task but this table is empty, then no SLA will be attached as there are no related SLAs to that contract. InstructionsGeneral Troubleshooting Steps: Check if the ‘Run SLAs’ business rule is OOTB version.Check if all the SLA script includes (Search for Name contains SLA. There will be around 40 script includes) are OOTB version.Check if they are using ‘2011’ SLA engine.Check if the ‘com.snc.sla.default_conditionclass’ system property value is ‘SLAConditionBase’.Check if there are any custom business rules with order <= 101 which is doing an update on the current record.Verify if 'Repair SLA' fixes the issue.Check if the Audit history on the Task is correct.Check if the Task record has contract record populated. If yes, then SLAs associated only to that contract are attached to the Task. Check 'contract_rel_contract_sla' table to see the SLAs associated to Contracts. If a contract is populated on the Task but this table is empty, then no SLA will be attached as there are no related SLAs to that contract. SLA conditions are not working: Check if the ‘com.snc.sla.default_conditionclass’ system property value is ‘SLAConditionBase’. If no, then change the value to ‘SLAConditionBase’ and verify.Check if any two SLA conditions can be true at the same time (Start/Cancel/Pause/Resume/Stop). No two conditions should match at the same time. SLA Calculations are Incorrect: Check if 'Retroactive start' is false but 'Retroactive pause' is true. If yes, then set Retroactive start to true and verify. 'Retroactive pause' should be true only if 'Retroactive start' is true.Open the SLA schedule and check if there are any schedule entries with type as 'Excluded’. If yes, then update the type on the schedule entries from 'Excluded' to ‘None’ and verify.Setting a schedule entry type as 'Excluded' will exclude time periods from SLA counts. Please refer to the below document for more information. SLA is canceled / Duplicate SLAs attached: Check if there are any custom business rules with order <= 101 which is doing an update on the current record. If yes, change the order of that custom business rule to 200 and verify.The OOTB 'Run SLAs' business rule on Task table runs after insert/update at order 101. When there are custom business rules updating the current record at order 100, they interfere with the execution of 'Run SLAs' business rule. All SLA notifications (25%,50%,75%) are sent out at the same time: Check if the 'Duration type' field on the SLA Definition is empty. It has to be either a 'user specified duration' or a 'relative duration’. SLA Percentage Timer workflow activity is considering the Actual elapsed percentage instead of the Business elapsed percentage: Check if 'com.glideapp.workflow.duration.relative_uses_schedule’ system property is missing or set to false. Set this system property to true and verify.If SLA Definitions use relative durations to calculate the breach time of the SLA without the above property set to true, then the default for this property is false and so the calculation will be using 24 x 7 schedule instead of business schedule. Retroactively add SLAs to Tasks created in the Past: Go to the Task record and click 'Repair SLAs' related link. This will add all the newly created SLAs that match the start condition to this task. Ignore case sensitivity in SLA conditions: Set 'com.snc.sla.condition.case_sensitive' system property to false to ignore case sensitivity in SLA conditions. Set it to true to consider case sensitivity. SLA Async queue is not getting processed: Check if 'SLA Async Delegator' sys_trigger job is missing. If yes, then import it from OOTB. Cannot configure SLAs for some tables: Check if the table extends the Task table. SLAs can be defined only on tables that extends the Task table. SLA doesn't show Achieved / Breached stage: These are legacy stages. Achieved / Breached stages are not supported in 2011 SLA engine. SLA is in Achieved stage even though it is breached: Check if 'com.snc.sla.compatibility.breach' system property is set to true.Achieved is a legacy Stage which is not used in 2011 SLA engine. But if this system property is set to true, then the Completed stage appears as Achieved and the Breached check box appears under the SLA stage. Workflow is not attached to the Task SLA: Check if the SLA is attached in the breached stage. If yes, check if 'com.snc.sla.workflow.run_for_breached' system property is true.Enable this property if you would like the workflow to run for a Task SLA that is already breached when it is attached to the Task. When you repair an SLA, the workflow takes normal path instead of repair: Check if 'Default SLA' workflow is customized. Check if 'SLA Repair Mode' input is missing from the Default SLA workflow. If yes, add it back and verify. Task SLA records show inaccurate data in the related list: Task SLA timings are not real-time. They are updated periodically by the below Scheduled Jobs. So there will always be a discrepancy./ if the 'glide.sla.calculate_on_display' system property is set to false. If yes, then make it to true and verify. This property will ensure that the timings in the Task SLAs are updated each time the task form is viewed. Related LinksSLA elapsed time measures Troubleshooting service level agreements (SLAs) Understanding SLA Conditions Configure Service Level Agreement (SLA) properties