How to forcefully log all users out of an instanceDescriptionHow to expunge specific or all sessions from an instance.ResolutionTerminate 1 specific session In User Administration > Logged in Users you will find the list of users logged in on a particular node.Select the active session you want to finishClick on Lock Out Session. To terminate all the user sessions, you can use the following script: Use this script inside a scheduled job on sys_trigger table (see Additional Information) /*** endAllSessionsButYourOwn = true will end all sessions but not the session the script was started from,* setting it to false will end ALL sessions including your own**/var endAllSessionsButYourOwn = true;var sessionLockDownScript = "var grSessions = new GlideRecord('v_user_session');"+ (endAllSessionsButYourOwn ? "grSessions.addQuery('session_id', '!=', '"+ gs.getSessionID() +"');" : "") +"grSessions.query(); grSessions.setValue('locked', true); grSessions.updateMultiple();";// run the script on every nodevar grClusterNode = new GlideRecord('sys_cluster_state');grClusterNode.addQuery('status', 'online');grClusterNode.query();while ( { GlideClusterMessage.postScript(sessionLockDownScript, grClusterNode.system_id +'');} NOTE: This script will terminate all the sessions on v_user_session table. So run the script on Demand or at a particular time. There’s a slight delay of a few seconds because each node will need to pick-up the script and execute it. However, this ensures the script is executed by ALL nodes.Using Cluster Messages, this will execute the code on each node, making sure it will end all sessions on all nodes.Additional InformationSchedule a script execution