Node showing as offlineIssue In certain scenarios, the status of an application node can be set to 'Offline' in the sys_cluster_state table. If you have nodes set to offline, this may or may not cause impact, depending if the node affected is in your primary or secondary datacenter. CauseStandby nodes are usually offline due to patching, and once patching is complete, they will return to an 'online' status. Keep an eye on the nodes, and if they are offline for more than a few hours, please check in with support.ResolutionTo determine if there may be any impact, first determine which is your current primary datacenter. Log onto your instanceType 'Stats' in the filter navigatorhave a look at this top line of your stats information eg, Connected to: Your primary datacenter is indicated via the 4 letters after the app server name, eg in this example its LHR5. So then if you find any nodes that are 'offline' in the sys_cluster_state table, and they ARE NOT in LHR5, then they are standby nodes, so will not impact your instance. However you should raise a case to Technical Support to review the status of the nodes and to get them online. Make sure that there is no current maintenance currently in progress before logging a new case. If the nodes that are 'offline' ARE in your primary datacenter eg LHR5, then please check if you have any active cases in that are dealing with this issue, before logging a new case. Our monitoring should alert if any primary nodes are offline and not currently part of any planned maintenance, so there could well be an open case if this is unexpected behaviour.