Using the getDayOfWeekLocalTime() method Produces Incorrect ResultsSummaryThe following KB details how users/admins should be using the getDayOfWeekLocalTime() method in business logic. This method will return a numerical value between 1-7 as it corresponds to the number of days in a week. The breakdown is as follows: 1 - Monday 2 - Tuesday 3 - Wednesday 4 - Thursday 5 - Friday 6 - Saturday 7 - Sunday This method should only used against date/time objects in business logic. Using the method for a date object will result in unexpected results as the method is specifically for date/time objects. Ex:Improper use var startDateTime = new GlideDateTime("2019-08-22 12:00:00");var startDate = startDateTime.getDate(); gs.print("@@@ TEST DATE START " + startDate);gs.print("@@@ TEST DAY OF WEEK IS " + startDate.getDayOfWeekLocalTime()); This will return a value of 3 instead of 4 when we pass in 2019-08-22 12:00:00 which is Thursday Proper Use: var gdt = new GlideDateTime("2019-08-20 12:00:00");gs.print(gdt.getDayOfWeekLocalTime()); This will return a value of 2 as the 20th corresponds to a Tuesday and we have passed the method in using a date/time object